When it came time for me to purchase my lumber, getting them home can be a bit daunting. I like to utilize the services at Home Depot to get my lumber cut to size. I usually get my building supplies while I’m on my lunch break, so I’m dressed up, often in heals and definitely stand out from the crowd in the lumber isle. It can be a little bit daunting to ask for help but see my tips below to make the process go smoothly.

How to get lumber cut

– Go to the hardware store at a non-busy time, this is not a mid-day Saturday trip.  I like to go on a weekday just before the lunch time errand runners. 

– Find a worker that looks like he knows what he’s doing and has a little experience.

– Kill ‘em with kindness.  This will be a huge help for your project so show your appreciation.

– Be patient.  Try not to be in a hurry or time crunch

– Help the person helping you, help load your cart with the plywood sheets or offer to help set the plywood onto the saw

– I don’t usually ask to have all my cuts made at the hardware store, my goal is to have the long rips made and then I make the rest of the cuts at home.

lumber cut map

When following these tips, my experiences have been great! I’ve even had the employees help find the best wood or avoid sheets of plywood that have imperfections. I hope this is helpful the next time you need some help with getting your lumber cut at the hardware store.